Memorial Tribute by Daw Aye Aye Thant, 30 October 2007

Memorial Tribute by Daw Aye Aye Thant, 30 October 2007

During the Celebration of the Life of Sri Chinmoy, held at the United Nations on 30 October 2007, Daw Aye Aye Thant,  daughter of Secretary-General U Thant and Founder and President of the U Thant Institute, offered the following tribute: “I am greatly honoured to...
Prayer and Meditation Q&A

Prayer and Meditation Q&A

During lectures and meetings of the Peace Meditation Group at UN Headquarters in New York, Sri Chinmoy was asked many questions about meditation, spirituality and the inner and outer role of the United Nations. Below are many of his interesting and illumining answers...


Publications for the Fiftieth Anniversary of Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations: The Song Universal – 50th Anniversary of First Talk for UN Community 13 Poems for 25th Anniversary of “Peace Blossoms Fragrance“ The Vision of the United Nations: A...
Additional Questions and Answers

Additional Questions and Answers

During lectures and meetings of the Peace Meditation Group at UN Headquarters in New York, Sri Chinmoy was asked many questions about meditation, spirituality and the inner and outer role of the United Nations. Below are just a few of his interesting and illumining...
Meditation:  Introduction, Techniques and Tools

Meditation: Introduction, Techniques and Tools

Videos Introducing Meditation In a series of videos called MEDITATION-SILENCE Sri Chinmoy himself explains what meditation is and demonstrates it through various clips taken from TV interviews and other events. View: Meditatation-Silence at Sri Chinmoy TV.  ...
U Thant Peace Award to Daw Aye Aye Thant, 28 June 2007

U Thant Peace Award to Daw Aye Aye Thant, 28 June 2007

On 28 June 2007, Sri Chinmoy had the honour of presenting the U Thant Peace Award to Daw Aye Aye Thant, U Thant’s daughter, at Aspiration-Ground meditation garden in Jamaica Hills, New York. Accompanying her was her husband, Tyn Myint-U. Following are excerpts...